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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Object Calendar

Happy Hump Day!!
WOW what a week, my birthday was on Monday so I went out of town to Washington DC to visit a friend and had a blast and just got back yesterday! I had never been before and really had a lot of fun! Any one else ever been to DC? I loved all the History and historical places! Any way this is a really quick post about an object calendar one of my students uses. He is Blind and has multiple other disabilities, but since he is blind I cant use the typical picture or PECS schedule with him. 
Here is a picture of it. Its divided into 5 sections for the first part of the day starting from left going right. first is calendar next the toilet paper tube is for bathroom the ball is for PE the book symbolizes reading and the spoon symbolizes lunch or time to eat. So he goes to it and touches the item before we begin whatever it is. Then at the end he goes and takes it off the calendar and it should drop into the bucket below meaning were finished with that moving onto the next thing. There is an object for everything he could possibly need at school as well as for our field trips. They are all labeled and the pictures on the wall are for incase I am not there someone else knows what is what and what it looks like. There is also his schedual next but it got cut off in the picture. This is so nice because everyone that works with him knows how to use it and what to do etc. Does anybody have a student who uses something like this? Any suggestions? This is my hardest kid... I am sure we all have one! haha 
Hope everyone has a great rest of the week! Thanks for stopping by and please follow me! Thanks so very much! 


  1. Wow, what a great idea to do a schedule like that! You are so creative. That does sound a bit like a challenge, but you're such an awesome teacher I know he must be in the right classroom! :)

    Just noticed your beautiful blog button and I will be adding that to my blog! YAY!

    Brie @ Breezy Special Ed

  2. HI! I'm Kim and I am also a special education teacher. I found your blog through Pinterest! I love "meeting" new special ed. bloggers! I love your object calendar. Some of my colleagues do the exact same thing!
    I think your blog looks great and I can tell you have a lot to share with the bloggy world!!
    Mrs. H's Resource Room

  3. Thank y'all so very much!! :)

    -Holly Phinney

  4. This is such a great idea! Your kids are lucky to have you as a teacher! I'm your newest follower. ~Hailey from Autism Tank

  5. Aww thank you so much!!

    -Holly Phinney

  6. Aww thank you so much!!

    -Holly Phinney

  7. You have some amazing ideas!! Thanks for visiting my blog, I'm really happy you did, because I love yours!! Very creative, I can't wait to read more!!

  8. Thanks Marsupial Mama!! :)

